Breakfast Banana Split Recipe

I’m always on the lookout for fast, healthy breakfast recipes. This Breakfast Banana Split takes less than five minutes to make and leaves me feeling full all morning. Plus it sounds like a treat even though it contains only healthy ingredients: cottage cheese, banana, nuts, and jam.

Breakfast Banana Split Recipe

Breakfast Banana Split
Adapted from Clean Eating – since it’s not available on their website, I thought I would post it here for us all to share and enjoy.
Serves 1.

1 banana
1/2 cup cottage cheese
2 tbsp all-fruit jam
1/4 cup roasted, sliced almonds or nut of your choice

Peel and cut banana in half lengthwise. Place banana halves in a shallow dish or bowl. Place cottage cheese over the center of the banana and top with jam, nuts and (optional!) a pinch of salt. Serve and enjoy!

5 thoughts on “Breakfast Banana Split Recipe”

  1. I just made a Breakfast Banana Split for my mid-morning snack based on this post. YUM. I’d often thrown a banana in with cottage cheese and a strawberry or two, but this is totally an upgrade! I sliced the banana lengthwise, used a single-serve 2% cottage cheese, added a few delicious dots of strawberry preserves amongst the fresh strawberry slices, threw some chopped walnuts on top, and enjoyed — delicious!

  2. Thank you for the recipe! I will have to try this!! Just read that 1 cup cottage cheese is 30 grams of protein — one of the best sources of protein (besides fish)!! [Suggests 20 -30 gms. of protein/meal] from The Mood Cure by Julia Ross

  3. you know, i’ve never been very intrigued by traditional banana splits, but THIS version looks right up my alley!! i think we have all the components at work for me to make this in the mornings too, i’d just need to bring some cottage cheese!

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