An Excuse Not to Do the Dishes

In this period after the holidays, when we set aside our regular tasks for several weeks to celebrate, I feel as though I have so much catch-up to do and find myself feeling overwhelmed.

There are so many things I want to do, with barely enough time in the day to do the things I need to do. I feel as though everywhere I turn there is a giant pile of things that need attending, scrubbing, filing, cleaning, or caring for. This cycle of rinse, wash, repeat wears me down as I tackle meal-preparation, laundry, dishes, toy pick-up, house cleaning, bill paying, and daily housekeeping tasks.

Good Moms and Dirty Dishes Poster

In times like these, I need to ask for help (husband! daughter!) and then take a step back. In reality the only thing that matters is caring for our daughter, caring for myself, caring for my husband.

I recently spied this quote on Pinterest and think (hope!) it’s spot-on:

Even though my to-do list is pages long and I feel overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks, I can focus on the most important part of my day: the smiles, the laughter, the joy in being a parent, in being a spouse, in being a friend. Life is short. Every moment counts.

Good Moms and Dirty Dishes Poster

Now excuse me while I go hug my kid and kiss my husband. Dishes be damned.

p.s. Want to hang this quote in your kitchen too? Download a free pdf of the above poster here.

7 thoughts on “An Excuse Not to Do the Dishes”

  1. It’s funny, I just had a similar thought today. Ari loves to climb the stairs, and as I was rushing to try to get him dressed so he could go to daycare and I could get some writing done, he tore away from me to go climbing. My first thought was irritation and wondering how I would be able to get his pants on without a fight. And then I heard him giggle as he got to the first step, and I realized that him climbing Mt. Everstairs was much more important than getting to daycare on time. So I followed him up the stairs (he loves to have an audience–he turns around and laughs that you’re right behind him) and let him have his pants-free stair triumph. It didn’t matter that we were late.

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