Story Time with Miss Leyba

Please join us for story time!

Miss Leyba loves reading her books aloud! Not only does she like to sit in our laps for story time, but she frequently reads aloud to herself (and to anyone else who will listen!). She is especially partial to reading in bed, something David and I are quite fond of too.

Since we read to her every day, and often read the same books over and over again at her request, she has several favorites memorized (such as Goodnight Moon, The Hungry Caterpillar, and I’m as Quick as a Cricket); here are two others for your enjoyment.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Video: Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? from Carrie on Vimeo.

Where’s Spot?

Video: Where is Spot? from Carrie on Vimeo.

We could read and discuss books all day.

Oh, yeah, we frequently do.

What books are you enjoying right now?

Letter to Miss Leyba: Month Three

Dear Miss Leyba,

Today you turn 3 months old or 13 weeks or 1/4 of a year! I wanted to throw you a birthday party since a bunch of friends were coming over anyway, but Daddy put his foot down. He’s so practical. I guess we’ll have to wait until January to really celebrate! (I’m already thinking about party themes! Just you wait.)

Tummy time

You’ve had such a big month. You can do all sorts of new things like roll from your back to your side to your tummy; have raspberry (zerbert) conversations with us (sometimes from across the room!); grasp everything (hair, noses, clothing, toys); and chewing on your fist (or mama’s shoulder or hand) is THE thing to do. You also love to drool. And be read to. And make funny faces together. You get so excited when I sign and sing to you. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is a big hit in our house right now.

Reading with Daddy

Your personality is really starting to come through now that you are trying to communicate with us. You smile frequently and just started to really laugh (especially when I blow on your tummy or give you tons of kisses). You still are often serious, especially when we are out and about; then you quietly watch intently. You show your frustration now, most frequently when you are trying to crawl but can’t quite get it. I hate to say it, but that frustrated whimper of yours is so sweet.

Tummy time

I think you are so fun, engaging, and darling. Next to your dad, you are my very favorite person. I can’t get enough of you. I feel so lucky to be home with you every single day. And I love knowing and feel so thankful for the fact that I won’t be going back to work anytime soon. I am all yours, sweetie. I am truly blessed.

I love you so much.

Love, Mama

The new fetal position

Sleeping on Dad

Another shot for our reading together series.

She LOVES sleeping in the above position and frequently wiggles her way down until she’s lying this way! She also likes sleeping on her side with her head way back behind her (I’ll have to try to get a picture of that) and in the classic propped up on both hands position:

Sleeping on Mama

While she certainly is awake more now than when she first arrived, she still sleeps a good chunk of the day (and night). When she’s awake and over tired, she makes this little, quiet, high pitched sigh signaling “I’m just so tired, but I can’t fall asleep.” It’s so darling and cute that my heart melts every time I hear it. When she makes that sound I know that a couple of minutes walking around the room or suckling at my breast will put her fast asleep.

(Note that I’ve also started adding a few photos here and there to our flickr page.)

Hold the phone

Reading during naptime

Evidently all I had to do was complain publicly about our sleep schedule to fix the problem (knock on wood). We’ve had three fantastic, sleep-filled, calm, extremely luxurious, and completely lovely nights in a row. Miss Leyba and I have even been sleeping late together. (So nice to cuddle in bed with my daughter. Wouldn’t have it any other way.) I attribute this major shift in our sleep schedule to the growth spurt we thought was over. Evidently we were wrong! We’re still feeding every hour during the day over here. If this is what it takes to get 8 hours of sleep then I am all for it. Plus, we are loving the awake time.

It’s perfect timing too because some of my stitches reopened earlier this week (major wake-up call to slow down!), so at least I am well-rested to better cope and heal. My father and sister are coming into town today to meet Miss Leyba, so we’ll have two extra sets of hands to help as well. Can’t wait to see them!