April’s Baby Shower

Last weekend I headed to the Washington, D.C. area for April’s Baby Shower throw by one of April’s running buddies, Emily, in Potomac, Maryland. We had such a fantastic time! There were seven of us from the Biosphere MPA program at the party and I loved seeing Maeve, Janelle, Ellen, Amy, Beth and April! What a group of brilliant women with high-powered jobs! I also met several of April’s other friends and chatted with her mom, whom I haven’t seen in two years; it was great! The food was yummy, the house where the party was at was stunning, the conversation first rate, and the gifts for April plentiful! Above is a sampling of photographs from the party for you to enjoy.

The last of the wedding photos

We finally picked up the rest of the black and white prints from the wedding. We have so many fantastic photos! I’ve been slowly ordering prints of all of the digital photos so that we can have one album with all of the photos from the Big Day.

At the right is one of my favorite group shots, taken with one of the black and white disposable cameras just before the ceremony.