Carrie Melon

Today I found this photo (taken by Paul) of our delicious wedding feast (thank you Lee and Gavin!) and it made me smile. We have a bunch of photos of this watermelon from the David side, but this is the only one of the Carrie side. May the warm colors and delicious food make you smile. Here in Colorado it is gray and cool and foggy. We could use a pick-me-up.

Honeymoon fun

We had a fantastic time on our honeymoon to Baja California Sur! It was a total blast! The hotel was beautiful, the staff so friendly, the food and drinks both plentiful and delicious, the spa incredibly relaxing, the ocean warm, the town fun, the seaside delightful, the shells diverse, the yoga challenging and calming, and the time with my husband — priceless!

Wedding Photo Albums

Yesterday afternoon (all afternoon!) I tackled the 600+ photos from our wedding. First I removed the blurry photos, then I organized them chronologically and put them into three albums: one album for pre-ceremony posed shots and snapshots of getting ready, one for the ceremony, and one for the celebration afterwards. (I still have some digital photos that I need to print, so I have another album all ready to go for those.) I am so glad to check this off my to-do list (and a week before we leave for our honeymoon, no less!)!

Top photos: bridesmaids and my best friends Ranni and Kate-Robin; middle left photo: with my cousin Julia and my sister and maid of honor Laura; middle right photo: our flower girl Georgia (in the background are Aunt Anita and Aunt Melissa); bottom photo: David and me with our parents.