Best of 2011: Gluten-Free Living

After years of occasionally eating gluten, this year marked a turning point for me. I realized that I can’t eat any — ANY! — gluten. The moment of truth happened while making playdough with our daughter; I breathed in the flour while we were mixing and got very, very sick… So, goodbye to gluten and hello to many months of feeling better!

Here are some of the yummy gluten-free recipes we shared via the blog this year. These particular recipes are the ones we make over (and over!) again, most on a weekly basis. Enjoy!

Our Go-To Dressing (original post)

Brazilian Cheese Bread and Chickpea Pancakes (original post)

Tasty Gluten-Free Granola Recipe (original post)
Gluten-free granola recipe

Coconut Date Rolls (original post)
Recipe For Making Coconut Date Rolls

Easy Kale Chips Recipe (original post)
Making kale chips together from scratch

Kale Salad with Lemon Tahini Dressing Redux (original post)
Making Kale Salad

We’ve eaten so well this year! Plus, our daughter now voluntarily eats kale! Try those kale chips; I swear they are a (surprise!) hit with everyone. If our daughter loves them, I’m pretty sure you’ll like them too.

Best of 2011: Everyday Learning

We had so much fun this past year in our everyday learning activities: exploring the natural world and helping support our three year old daughter as she gains skills and confidence in the kitchen, with reading, writing, and riding around on her scooter, dancing, photographing, making music and transforming every experience into a learning opportunity (both for her and for us!).

Working in Bed (original post)

Here are some of the more special experiences we blogged about — just a small snippet of our homeschooling activities — over the past year that touch about our everyday learning and exploration activities.

Yoga Game Time (original post)

Inspired by The Very Hungry Caterpillar (original post)

Building a Computer with Daddy (original post)
Building a Computer with Daddy

Leaf Exploration With Stencils (original post)
Leaf Stencils

Copious Amounts of Poppy Seeds (original post)
Poppy seeds direct from the dried seed pods

The Nest in our Wind Chimes (original post),
A Peak in the Nest (original post),
More Baby Birds Coming Our Way Soon (original post), and
Saying Farewell, a Sad Nest Update (original post)
Next clutch of house finch eggs in the nest on our porch

Leaf Rubbings and Characteristics Activity (original post)
Leaf rubbings and characteristics homeschooling activity

What a busy, fun time we’ve had!