Checking In

Goodness, I have so much to share with you and so little time to sit down and write.

I find that each day, nurturing and feeding our two growing kids, flies by.

Mothering moments

Covering them in kisses, cooking nourishing foods, creating enriching activities, spending quality time together; this is the rhythm of our day-to-day life.

Our son has fit seamlessly into the fabric of our family.

Much to my surprise, I’ve discovered over the past month that taking care of a newborn is ever so much easier the second time around. I’ve done this before. I can do this. Things that overwhelmed me five years ago are now a piece of cake.

Mothering moments

In so many ways babies are easy: feed, burp, change, snuggle, repeat. The challenges are to come. Raising a five year old takes ever so much more effort than caring for a newborn. Not in a bad way; just a different challenge. She keeps me on my toes.

And so I spend hours each day breastfeeding, fattening up and bonding with this beautiful baby boy, gearing up for the chaos to come, while supporting and loving our little girl.

Mama and kids

Life is full.

One Month Old

Oh boy, did the past month go by fast. Here are some shots of the Little Man from the past four (!!!) weeks.

Newborn baby photos
Newborn baby photos
Newborn baby photos
Newborn baby photos
Newborn baby photos

Our son can hold his head up, he’s trying to roll over on the changing table, and finds his big sister endlessly fascinating. Oh, and when he wants mama he makes rooting faces regardless of whether he wants to eat or not. Smart cookie.

Family Resemblance

I keep getting confused in the middle of the night. I look down at this beautiful baby thinking it’s our daughter (five years ago) instead of our son. What can I say?! They look alike. Especially at 2 in the morning when I’m rather bleary eyed.

Can you tell them apart?

Sleeping Leyba babies
Sleeping Leyba babies
(The top photo is of our son; the bottom one is of our daughter in 2008.)

One thing that’s different: their eye colors.

Family Resemblence

We’re pretty sure the Little Man is going to have darker eyes. Will they be brown like Daddy’s eyes, green like Mommy’s or some other shade?! We’ll post an update in about a year when they settle for good.

Weekend Snapshot, Five Years Apart

One of my favorite things about living in California is having the perfect weather for family walks year round (the first photo is from today, the bottom one is from 2008 when our five year old daughter was a newborn):

Family Walk 2013
Family Walk 2008

I adore these photos of my sweet husband holding our babies.

By the way, we ADORE our new Baby K’tan carrier way more than the Moby Wrap. (Thank you to Jake for the awesome present!) There’s no going back once you find a baby carrier you and the newborn both love.