The Best Books for Parents of Young Children

Let me preface this by saying that while I have read many, many parenting books, there are so many other parenting books out there that I haven’t read yet. In fact I have a very bad habit of taking out “phenomenal” parenting books from the library (on friends recommendations), flipping through, and then having to return them before I get a chance to read them. Sometimes I renew them not once but twice and I still can’t find the time to tackle them.

STORY OF MY LIFE. So many interests, so little time.

The books below are the best of the ones I have read all the way through AND loved. These are the books that not just shaped our parenting style, but best describe it.

The BEST parenting books

We think these four books are must-reads for all parents of young children:
1. How To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori Way — evidently that’s what we’re doing!
2. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting — if you’re going to read one book, this is it. Completely changed how we do, oh, everything.
3. NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children — for those of us who don’t have time to stay on top of parenting news articles, this book summarizes the latest research.
4. Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For Their Early Years–Raising Children Who are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful — the book we loved until we read Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids, which trumped it. Still worth reading though!

Don’t have time to read a whole book, but want some awesome parenting advice right now? This awesome article is worth reading RIGHT NOW.

Please join in the discussion. What parenting books do you love? I’m excited to check out your recommendations.

One thought on “The Best Books for Parents of Young Children”

  1. Simplicity Parenting. Before baby arrives, and once baby is hear. Kim John Payne. Kind of sad I loaned my copy, because I want to revisit it.

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