Oh, yes!

He’s here!

Sweet sleeping baby boy (with stuffed animal present from big sister)
Sweet sleeping baby (with stuffed animal present from big sister)

Not only did he arrive right on time (on his due date), but he got here quickly (labor from start to finish lasted an hour and a half; we gave birth five minutes after arriving at the birth center!). He even weighs a full pound less than his big sister weighed when she was born.

Big sister meeting her little brother

We’re smitten.

13 thoughts on “Oh, yes!”

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! Hello, little one!!

    Congratulations, all of you!!

    You and Amanda had your babies within hours of each other :)

  2. Welcome little one! Congrats to mama, dad and big sis!!! (Baby born on due date, 1.5 hour labor — sounds familiar, you must have tried the squats!) ;)

  3. Congratulations and well done! He’s wonderful, as you all are. I’m looking forward to reading this blog as you chronicle this little mans life in your new family of four. All the very best :)

  4. Excuse me, hour and a half perfect baby, you are adorable and I know your big sister is going to be smitten with you forever!

    Congratulations Carrie xxx

  5. Now there is a handsome and adorable addition to your family! He’s absolutely beautiful. Congratulations to mama, dad, and especially the new big sister!

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