Pregnancy Update: 37 Weeks

At 37 weeks pregnant, the baby is now considered full-term, Braxton-Hicks contractions are an ever present activity, I’m fully effaced and partially dilated, and this baby may be here any minute. (In fact, I’m sitting on a towel as I write this post, you know, just in case.)

Daughter and pregnant mama at sunset

I’ve also started losing weight instead of gaining, a sure sign that we’re in the homestretch (the exact same thing happened when I was pregnant with our five year old). I certainly prefer thinking, “I’ve gained twenty-five pounds this pregnancy” rather than “I’ve gained thirty.”

My belly really is that much larger than my daughter's head

I’m getting excited. And completely terrified. (Just how many months of sleep-deprivation do we have ahead of us?!) He’s gonna be here soon!

Family photos at 37 weeks pregnant

Hey, how many more blog posts do you think I can fit in?!

Thanks to David and my cousin Julia for the fabulous photos!

5 thoughts on “Pregnancy Update: 37 Weeks”

  1. i’m 37 weeks, too. howvever, i’ve gone two weeks past my due with all my previous (5) labors. i’m praying this time is different since the last baby was 9.14 lbs.

    prayers for peaceful waiting and a safe & speedy labor.

  2. hello gorgeous! You are looking beautiful and I love the picture of you guys kissing miss leyba. wishing you all sorts of luck in the home stretch!

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