Hello, Summer Break!

Well that was an unexpected blog break. Hello, there! How did it become the middle of June?!

Swimming in the river

Summer has arrived here in Sonoma County with 80-90 degree days and all our free time being spent trying to stay cool. Homeschooling has taken a hiatus, spring classes are winding down, and summer camps and swim lessons are beginning. Next week I will go from having essentially no alone time during the day to experiencing 1-4 hours to myself EACH DAY with our daughter starting art AND dance camp. What am I going to do with myself?!

Loving swim lessons

I’m planning lunch dates with the hubby, thrift store scouring, at least one nap, vacuuming and laundry, and possibly some blogging too. Over the last few weeks I’ve done a poor job of balancing mothering and blogging, devoting essentially all of my time to the former and none to the latter. (Sorry about that!) At the end of the day, I just can’t seem to mentally transition from mommying to blogging. I’m all tuckered out. I need to re-find my blogging rhythm.

Playing with the "garden stick" in the yard

I miss you, friends! And I have so much to say and share with you… See you back here soon!

4 thoughts on “Hello, Summer Break!”

  1. Summer is starting off great. By the way, a white dress looks wonderful, 3 years later!

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