Six Years Married, Eight Years In Love

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married
Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

It seems like only yesterday day that David and I stood atop a windy hill in Boulder and vowed to build a house, home and life together:

    “I love being your best friend and companion, your partner in life. I promise to love and respect you; to stand by you, and be faithful; to be open and honest; and to always nurture and strengthen the love between us. Today I choose to walk this path with you always. May our home be filled with love, peace, learning, and laughter. This is my vow to you. Let this be a marriage of equals.”

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

These six years have passed in a blink of an eye, yet I barely remember a time when we weren’t together.

Look at what we’ve accomplished:

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

We’ve moved to California and built a life for ourselves in Sonoma County.

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

We’ve created our daughter and savored being parents, best friends and partners in this exciting journey together.

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

Whatever challenges we’ve faced in the time we’ve been together, we’ve overcome together, a united front, supporting and loving one another. Outside forces have affected us, but our love has remained true and blossomed.

I could never have imagined I’d love this much or ever be this happy. Our laughter and love bring such joy to my life.

Celebrating and reflecting on six years married

I love you, sweetheart. Each day I feel thankful having you by my side.

4 thoughts on “Six Years Married, Eight Years In Love”

    1. Thank you to Tyler and the many people who posted good wishes on Facebook! We so appreciate hearing from you! What thoughtful friends we have. xoxo

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