Our Favorite Frozen Snack

Our Favorite Frozen Snack (Sliced Bananas)

One of our most beloved afternoon snacks really couldn’t be more simple. We slice bananas and pop them into the freezer for a few hours. The recipe may be similar to frozen banana ice cream but it’s a whole lot less work.

This snack is:

Obviously more healthful than eating ice cream;

Our Favorite Frozen Snack (Sliced Bananas)

More tasty than plain old sliced banana (though we do love topping sliced banana slivers with a dab of peanut butter; they taste great when eaten with a toothpick.);

Our Favorite Frozen Snack (Sliced Bananas)

Plus the toddler can slice up the banana herself, so it’s a family-friendly activity as well.

Our Favorite Frozen Snack (Sliced Bananas)

Evidently if you’re three years old you need to bundle up to eat this frozen treat and run around the house shouting, “BRRRRR!” And then ask for more cause it’s so yum.

Our Favorite Frozen Snack (Sliced Bananas)

We’re not at all dramatic in our house. I can’t imagine where she gets it from.

2 thoughts on “Our Favorite Frozen Snack”

  1. love how she’s all bundled up while enjoying the treat! we are definitely going to try this since I am always craving ice cream but wishing it were healthy! thanks for sharing!

  2. I love frozen bananas! Of course, they’re even more fun when dipped in chocolate and THEN frozen…but that diminishes that whole “healthy” aspect a little, huh? ;-)

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