Working in Bed

Typing her letters (with the computer on her lap!) and looking like she’s three years old going on thirteen… Kids these days!

She loves her new room. What might have been a difficult transition turned out to incredibly smooth and easy because she directed (asked for!) this change. She’s sleeping in her own bed entirely by herself (from 6pm to 5am last night!).

The only shakeup has been the bedtime routine, which has been throwing mama for a loop this week. Settling down and being calm before bed has become impossible. I have high hopes that as her room becomes more familiar (and, dare I say, boring!) we’ll return to our easy, relaxed bedtime routine.

I keep telling myself that next week will be better. And, if not next week, then definitely the week after that. Ah, eternal optimism.

2 thoughts on “Working in Bed”

  1. Goodness gracious, that computer is as big as she is! She totally handles it like a pro, though. If I had a brand-new room that is as awesome as hers is, I would bounce around at bedtime, too. ;-)

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