Looking Almost as Organized

Time for a pantry update!

This fall I organized our pantry. To refresh your memory, here’s a shot from back in September before I whipped it into shape:

Here’s a view of it immediately after I cleaned and purged the pantry, got rid of the bulk foods baggies by organizing bulk items and spices in to jars, and labeled everything with chalk ink:

Here it is two months later after a big shop (so stuffed to the brim!) and not too disorganized:

There may be fewer items put in jars and neatly labeled, but overall it’s still organized and I find that finding items remains relatively easy. Success!

I had a feeling that since I promised to show you pictures of the pantry every few months the pressure would be on and I could keep it tidy. :)

As a bonus to this post, I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse into our fridge, which truth be told is actually quite organized these days.

Top shelf: water, apple and grape juice, milk, sourdough bread (for David and Miss Leyba), goat cheese (behind) and leftover (really old) smoothie (whoops!).

Second shelf: eggs, juice boxes, leftover polenta, tofu, milk; cheese (blue, Monterrey jack, and cheddar), garlic, and ginger in the cheese drawer.

Third shelf: more eggs, yogurt, potatoes, yams beer (behind, for David), limes (behind, for squeezing into my water), veggie dogs (for David and the peanut; I haven’t been able to find gluten-free ones for me yet).

Crispers drawers: carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, celery, onions, lemons.

Can you tell I visited Costco this week?! (Hence the multitude of (mostly local) dairy products!) I think we’ll have to make a fritata to get through those eggs and I have plans for a veggie intensive cheddar mac and cheese with all that cauliflower (from an article called healthy comfort foods! Bring it!).

Nom nom.

What are your meal plans for the week? I need help. Easy, quick and vegetarian, please.

5 thoughts on “Looking Almost as Organized”

  1. you refrigerate your garlic?? interesting!

    my quick / easy / yummy suggestions right now are all tending in the soup direction since it’s SO DOGGONE COLD out this way….

  2. Fabulous, I Love before & after pantry shots. You did good! I’m cooking risotto with whatever veges are in the fridge, dhal & rice [I just finished making some ghee], baked veges with lots of herbs & brushetta with lots of garlic, tomato, butter & basil. Katie x

  3. If you do a search for Cooking Light’s baked potato soup, I think you’ll really like it. I use turkey bacon, as we don’t eat pork, but you can substitute soy bacon, or skip the bacon entirely. Otherwise, it’s an easy, filling and delicious recipe for a cold night.

  4. Yum, cauliflower mac and cheese! This week we’re going to try the carrot fennel soup on 101cookbooks.com and a spicy eggplant and tomato dish from an indian cookbook called 5 spices, 50 dishes. Happy cooking!

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