Ladybug Love

Our toddler loves reading books about ladybugs, making up sing-songs about ladybugs, and flying around pretending she’s a ladybug. It came as no surprise when she insisted that we bring home this dress-up costume for Halloween (and, no, I wasn’t allowed to make one — sigh). Ah, ladybug love.

Imagine our delight in finding hundreds of ladybugs swarming our house!

We had to dress up as ladybug to match.

Yes, we may have missed Halloween, but we don’t need a holiday to dress up in our house.

Evidently while romping around the yard with ladybugs, one must be in costume.

Ladybugs love umbrellas too. I learned that this was not an optional accessory. So there.

And, yes, that is chocolate all over her face. Just cause we didn’t go trick or treating doesn’t mean we withheld the chocolate. We’re not that mean. After all, if the adults are going to indulge, we need to set a good example and share. There’s enough chocolate for everyone in this house. Well, maybe.

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