Spotted Pumpkins and a Spotted Toddler

Another post in our First on Friday series where we share a new experience from the week.

You saw it here first.

Before we even noticed it.

Yep, the toddler has chickenpox.

Luckily her fever appears to be behind us and she’s her usual happy self during the day, running in circles around the house. (Literally! We’re stir crazy over here.)

Her will power to not scratch amazes me. All it took was the doctor and pharmacist to both tell her not to scratch and she hasn’t. Mama may not have authority (“I’m scratching! HAHAHA!”) but those strangers sure do. They also told her to drink lots of water and she has (a constant battle in our house).

I may need the doctor to call and ask Miss Leyba to clean up her toys and, um, bring mama breakfast in bed… It’s worth a shot, right?!

Unfortunately being itchy doesn’t go well with sleeping soundly, so our nights have been rough. I keep reminding myself how thankful we feel that she has chickenpox now as a young child instead of as an adult, even if we have to hold, comfort and rock her most of the night. This too shall pass.

David and I both have had chickenpox twice (talk about crazy statistics!) so we’re able to provide her with the care she needs right now and not worry about ourselves: nearly constant contact and attention, lots of hugs, many books read and projects done… we’re been busy carving pumpkins, cutting paper dolls, baking, cooking and various household chores. (I’m trying to catch up around the house. HA!)

We’re also glossing over the fact that it’s Halloween this weekend, since she under quarantine. Thankfully she’s just two years old and has no idea. We hope she won’t realize she’s missing anything since she goes to bed before it all starts too.

After all, we can always pretend it’s Halloween next month when she’s healthy again, right?! I think hosting a toddler costume party may be in order.

6 thoughts on “Spotted Pumpkins and a Spotted Toddler”

  1. Is that a special blanket comforting Miss Leyba in the 2nd picture???!! I hope it is, it made me smile!

  2. Aww, poor Miss Leyba! Hope she feels better soon! Btw, my family has consistently hosted holidays on whatever day we decided was best — Halloween can totally be any time you want it to be. =) (and wow, did you and David really each have chickenpox twice??)

  3. poor miss leyba! i was 4 when i had the chickenpox, and my parents had a rough time convincing me not to scratch. i still remember how hilarious i thought it was to take oatmeal baths :)

  4. My sister was sick for Halloween when she was 3. My parents did reverse trick-or-treating. She knocked on the inside of the front door and my brother was on the porch giving her candy.

    Feel better soon!

  5. love how smiley she is despite the pox! my parents have a great pic of nat and gabe around miss leyba’s age sitting in an oatmeal bath, grinning, absolutely COVERED in pox (and scabs — don’t think they were as responsible as miss leyba!). glad you’re all coping — it’ll be over soon!

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