Harvest Decor

Despite the heat, we’re busy pretending it’s fall here in Northern California!

We now have lots of pumpkins at our house!

We had to bring something back from the pumpkin patch, right?! I admit we may have gone overboard, but they were so affordable, we directly supported a local farmer (rather than the corporation he sold the pumpkins to, although we’ve done that too with itty bitty pumpkins, discussed below), and what fun they’ll be to carve! The white Cinderella pumpkin is mama’s favorite of the bunch.

On the front porch this bouquet of dried lavender, a gift grown by our neighbor, welcomes us home. How I love its fragrance!

Wee little pumpkins that Miss Leyba plays with, pretends to cut and eat, carries around, adores! Each time we grocery shop she asks if we can pick one up. We’ll have quite the collection by the end of the month if we continue at this rate. The truth is, I love them too (the small size! the varied colors!). I especially like how different they are from each other. Such a wonderful treat.

And, finally, what’s that hidden behind the super large pumpkin on our porch?!

Miss Leyba’s outdoor (see the dirt?!) matchbox cars! (Hand-me-downs from our neighbor with now grown kids.) Such fun to play with. And to make a big pile of, evidently. Clearly a kid lives at this house!