Toddler Writing

Like Mama, Miss Leyba loves to make lists.

Shopping lists.
To-do lists.
Book lists.

Like Mama, Miss Leyba loves to write stories.

She has even been known to say, “I need to do a blog post.”

That was a direct quote. I even twittered it for her.

Like Mama, Miss Leyba loves to write letters.

“Dear Momma, I’m glad I love you so much!”

“Dear Dadda, I love you so much! I’d like to do this again!”

While I never seem to find the time to write letters, Miss Leyba is very good at making the time for this favorite activity.

Unfortunately she still has to wait on me to mail the letters.

Right now we have two letters to mail internationally (one to France, one to Afghanistan), waiting for me to take them to the post office to get the right postage.

Sigh. I’ll get to it eventually. Sigh. I mean soon.

3 thoughts on “Toddler Writing”

  1. Having had the honor of being the recipient of a Miss Leyba thank-you note, I can attest to the colorful creativity of the author in her letters! ;-)

  2. So cute! The funny thing is, we have a letter from Elena for your sweety. We wrote it two weeks ago, and are waiting to see you again…

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