Join us for a walk on our street

Sometimes she rides her tricycle, but more often she pushes it. (Fine by me; I am all about Miss Leyba wearing herself out running around.)

Video: Push that trike! from Carrie on Vimeo.

I love this movie for the very cute “oh no!” in the middle of it (about 1 minute in) when her trike gets stuck.

By the way she picked out her clothes and accessorized herself. Love that rockin’ headband! And evidently warm furry boots are perfect for cloudy days no matter how hot it is outside. This is Northern California and there are fashion standards to be maintained, after all.

4 thoughts on “Join us for a walk on our street”

  1. Hilarious, tearing down the road pushing the grown up’s handle instead of riding the dang thing (accessories and all)! She really got a kick out of hitting the speed bump. Funny that she doesn’t seem to expect it after all this time – or do you think that’s what she’s racing down to road toward?

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