Trip to New Mexico

We had a great time in New Mexico visiting family and friends and celebrating David’s Grandmother’s 80th birthday!

Here are just a couple photos — or 20 — from the trip.

(Hope you have a fast internet connection!)


Isn’t that a stunning view?

Miss Leyba traveled beautifully and, believe it or not, we actually had a fun time together and she didn’t loose it on either of the days we spent flying and driving (over 12 hours door to door each way).

Visiting with Great Grandma (oh, sorting Shirley Temple dvds — what fun!) and giving goodbye kisses.

Cruising around the historic downtown:

Visiting with friends and family:

Three out of the four generations.

There we go!

Climbing stairs — a favorite activity that you can do practically anywhere…

Helping out in Grandma and Grandpa’s store.

See the painting of us nursing in the background? Good thing I am not particularly modest (although I did refrain from posting all of the breastfeeding photos from the trip; aren’t you proud?).

Cuddling with Tasha while feeling overwhelmed at Great Grandma’s party.

Not sure about this whole blowing out the candles thing either.

Happy Birthday, Marilyn!

Helping out with the slide show.

Family photo… such a serious bunch.

Oh, the dogs. Miss Leyba LOVED the dogs… here are a few of her new, special friends.

Painting of us by my mother-in-law on display at the Mimbres Region Arts Council. We’re famous.

Coming soon: movies from the trip! (one of these days, anyhow.)

5 thoughts on “Trip to New Mexico”

  1. this looks like an amazing trip! love the photos, especially the one of miss leyba climbing the stairs against the sunset clouds!

  2. between these and the pictures christina showed me from when she was out this week too, i just can’t get over how BIG miss leyba is now! she’s PERSON SIZED!! aaaaah!

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