2010: lighter and more fit

I rarely make New Years Resolutions. Partially because everyone seems to make them and no one seems to keep them. Partly because I think January 1 as the start of the year is pretty arbitrary.

My goal for 2009 is really more of a challenge for me to meet by the time I turn 30 (in approximately 13 months) than a New Years Resolution.

I want to lose 15 pounds.

I’d like to lose closer to 25, but I think a goal of 15 is more realistic.

I don’t know if it’s going to be possible while I’m breastfeeding to do this. My appetite is ferocious and my daughter’s need to suckle is great. And my breasts are huge right now while she is breastfeeding. My nursing bra cup size is a G/H, despite the fact that I have been back to my pre pregnancy clothing size since the spring.

I don’t know if I am going to be able to find the time to exercise and eat the way I want to.

But I’m going to try.

Stick around and cheer me on during this journey.

Here’s to a great 2009.

5 thoughts on “2010: lighter and more fit”

  1. What a great goal to set for yourself ~ I love your honesty — it is hard and it’s kind and realistic of you to give yourself a break, knowing how busy you are now as a mother and how the most important thing you are doing right now is nursing your baby. My goal has been to focus more on vitality and vibrant good health (vs. wheat-head or sugar fatigue/brain fog!)… a lifetime goal! ;o)

  2. i also want to lose weight and, since i’m not breastfeeding anymore, will start heavily on the balanced diet soon enough! i’ll cheer you on from the sidelines! happy new year!

  3. I try to work out more so my boobs CAN disappear a little–hey Alice, want some of mine? ;-) (Um, sorry, Carrie–we digress). Seriously, though, I am cheering you (and myself) on! By the way, if you know any great onion- and garlic-free recipes, I’d love to know. I’m not sure how your diet has changed since you’ve been breastfeeding, but if those two items were eliminated for you at any time and you figured out how to get around them…I am all ears. Or boobs. Or somethin’. =D

  4. Carrie,

    I love the pictures of the baby(toddler!) and you. It reminds me of your mother and you at that age (i.e., your hair and face, etc.). Let me see if I can find some pictures.



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