Cereal in all sorts of interesting places

To celebrate your new teeth, we decided to treat you to a new non-mashed food: (organic, gluten-free, all natural) rice krispie cereal!

Talk about a big hit. You loved it!

Not only is cereal now all over your high chair and the dinning room floor (we have even found occasional krispies in bed!), but the cereal keeps ending up in odd places on you:

David took these shots.

Too funny.

5 thoughts on “Cereal in all sorts of interesting places”

  1. What fun! Eating Rice Krispies all by herself. Yummy!
    Cheerios is another favorite. And peas.

    She’s getting soooooo grown up! And soooo cute!
    Love, Grandma

  2. haha, i was about to write how gorgeous she looks in that second picture… then realized that might be a little odd, considering she has rice krispies up her nose ;-) but goodness! those eyelashes!

    yay for teeth!

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