Colorado Trip: Cool Uncle Lee

After our stint in Colorado Springs, we headed up to Fort Collins so Miss Leyba could meet her Uncle Lee. We had so much fun together!

Just as Miss Leyba adored my sister Laura from the get-go, she felt an affinity for David’s brother. She loved him immediately! (I think they are the only people she has felt completely at ease and comfortable with from the moment she met them. Pretty amazing. I think she sees bits of David and I in our siblings. Or she gets totally confused and thinks that they are us…!)

We did all sorts of fun, chill activities. We took Miss Leyba to her first bar:

Lee gave Miss Leyba her first drum lesson:

Playing the drums with Uncle Lee from Carrie on Vimeo.

And the dog! Miss Leyba adored Lee’s dog… Nona however was not so sure about Miss Leyba. Luckily our daughter saw this as a challenge (and crawled around after her) and laughed hysterically any time Nona growled or barked (don’t worry — we kept a close eye on them!). That dog had such an affect on Miss Leyba that she started pointing and saying “dog-g” when she was chasing her around. SO cute!

(Incidentally we slept so well on Lee’s memory foam mattress that we are thinking about budgeting for a king sized one. Then our guests can sleep on our queen. Like the sound of that, Mom and Dad?!)

Thank you for having us, Lee! We all had a wonderful time.

9 thoughts on “Colorado Trip: Cool Uncle Lee”

  1. miss leyba on the drums is so cute i could not stop smiling/giggling throughout the whole video. when did that goober get so big?! she is turning into such a lady.

  2. The drum lesson video is priceless! She’s not bothered by the sound at all–she’s totally into it! Must be from the practice she has with your pots and pans at home in the kitchen. =)

  3. Great pictures! Looks like a great vacation!
    What a pleasure it has been to follow your daughter’s growth on the internet. It makes your family seem much closer than 3000 miles away.
    Keep up theblog. I keep watch even if I don’t always have time to respond.

  4. and I love how he is cool Uncle Lee… I’m sure my dad will be impressed (and take credit for that name)

  5. The drumming video gave me the giggles too. The baby clearly didn’t realize her hand movements were making the sounds at first, and then, slowly, it started to dawn on her…and her face started to light up with delight! It brought back memories of Julia sitting on Uncle Jay’s lap at the piano when she was the same age. She’d bang or pick out a few notes, and Jay would improvise around whatever she was playing so it sounded really good!

    The description of the baby being so at ease with Laura and Lee was just like when YOU were little, Carrie, with ME. Your mom and I thought it was because I was the same shape as her and held you the very same way. :)

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