Letter to Miss Leyba: Month Five

Hi sweetie,

You’ve had such a big month. It has been a whirlwind June of physical developments: standing, sitting, rolling over, and crawling. You chat nonstop to Dad and I and have just recently started talking to other people too. You smile at everyone and love being out and about. Your hands are constantly in your mouth and you love sucking on your toes (sometimes both big toes at once). You are so much fun. We love you so much!

Month Five
Month Five
Month Five

It’s amazing that you are five months old! Keep growing healthy and strong. We are here loving and supporting you.

Love, Mama

4 thoughts on “Letter to Miss Leyba: Month Five”

  1. what a cutie!! that picture of her with her feet in her mouth is fantastic. i’m supposed to be able do that in yoga… i need some lessons from miss leyba, looks like.

  2. Everybody at the lake loved the pictures and many of your relatives are constantly checking the web site for updates on how she is growing up.

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