I forgot to mention…

Dear daughter,

Here are some things I forgot to mention last week.

You love to grab hair, noses, eyebrows, mouths, clothing. You are very into sticking your fingers in our mouths.

You are constantly sticking out your tongue! It’s adorable.

You’ve found your voice. Oh, you love to shout! You are amazingly loud. Lots of shrieking going on over at our house. You are so proud of yourself and we are proud of you too.

You love Shrek. When it’s late and you’re very over tired and your gums are hurting and you’re completely inconsolable, we’ll turn on a children’s movie. So far Shrek is the only one you’ve been interested in (though you seem somewhat interested in ballet, as well as the documentary Coral Reef Adventure). Dad and I aren’t thrilled about the movie choice (and we’re getting awfully tired of it), but we’re glad it distracts you enough to stop the hysterical crying and get you to sleep. Everything in moderation.

Your new activity: climb across, over and down us. You just love to wiggle and look around. You move towards and reach for your toys now too. Touching, banging books and turning pages is especially fun and fascinating to you.

You love it when we hold you facing outward. So much to see! We need to break out the Moby Wrap and try tying you in so you face outwards. I think it will be a big hit.

You like seeing all the mamas and babies at our yoga class. On Tuesday you spent most of the class on your tummy (or wanting me to hold you) watching everyone and everything. You were captivated. We’ll have to keep going for the social time (since Mama is now starting her running training and thinking about taking an Ashtanga yoga class rather than the more slow paced Iyengar)…

More soon!

Love, Mama

3 thoughts on “I forgot to mention…”

  1. Miss Leyba looks so darling! She is growing up so quickly. How much she has learned in just a few short months! She looks so adorable and happy.

  2. My goodness gracious, I’ll be gosh-darned if I don’t come over there right now with an award for Miss Leyba in honor of her being the cutest baby ever. Look at those eyes! That smile! Her trying to crawl already (woo, look out, mama and daddy)! Carrie, I’m with Christina–I’m totally cheering for a video encore. =) The giggles video is awesome.

  3. I just got back from Mexico and can’t believe how much she’s grown and progressed in the last month and a half! The most striking thing to me was that her face is starting to show more what she’ll look like when she gets bigger! It’s also so cute to see her starting to make friends. By the way, it turns out that people from “my” village in Mexico who come to the US to work are concentrated in Santa Rosa, so I’ll definitely have to make a trip up there sometime this summer!

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