Probably too much information

We made it to 39 weeks! Hooray!

Okay, now it’s time to give birth.


I think I’ve had enough of being pregnant, thank you very much.

Our whole experience over the last two months really amazes me actually.

* Look out, here come the details! If you’re not interested, skip the rest of this post. Really. *

In early December the baby discovered a fun new game, which involved bouncing its head on my cervix — evidently THE thing to do! As a result my cervix thinned, I started dilating and having very frequent and increasingly painful Braxton-Hicks contractions around 32 weeks. We completely expected me to go into labor. I immediately stopped all yoga and exercise activities, was put on bedrest, started taking herbs to halt everything, and all pre-labor symptoms stopped. For over three weeks I spent every moment lying on my side. And it worked. No more contractions. Still lots of baby-cervix time, but no contractions. Phew!

At 36 weeks, when it was finally safe to give birth at home, I weaned off the herbs and thought, “okay, the baby will be here soon.” At the same time, however, the baby decided that it didn’t really want to be born right now and moved off my cervix. Now, don’t misunderstand: the baby is still right there in position. And it does “re-discover” my cervix every now and then (several times a day). But it’s no longer wedged directly on top of it all the time. Much less painful for me, but also that much less pressure getting me primped for delivery.

Fast forward to my 38 week prenatal appointment. My cervix has thinned more and changed direction (all good things!), the baby is actually further down and in position, but I’m still dilated the same as I was in December. So, while some things are progressing along, it still could be a little while.

This past week I had contractions every day and experienced most of the signs that labor is imminent. Suddenly the baby feels much heavier, I’m peeing every 30 minutes, and, oh, vomiting was the highlight of my week (gotta clear out my system!). Luckily, I’ve had absolutely no bloating nor have I experienced the other annoying and painful late pregnancy symptoms. (I’d like to chuck this up to the fact that I’ve eaten really well the whole pregnancy and lead a healthy lifestyle.)

So, yep, we’ve made it to 39 weeks and the baby isn’t here yet.

I know that all pregnant women feel impatient waiting around for the baby to arrive, but geez I’ve been waiting for a month and a half! And I could be waiting for three more weeks… Every time I have a couple contractions close together, I think, “this could be it!” and then, of course, it turns out to be much ado about nothing.

Patience is so not my strongest virtue.

Thank goodness I am OH SO EXCITED about the baby. No matter what, it is all so worth it.

5 thoughts on “Probably too much information”

  1. you know what? whether you go into labour now or ‘late’ – you’ve already done the hard yards waiting and bedresting… it CAN’T be long now! :D i’m excited for you guys x you’re very lucky to have no late pregnancy symptoms, save your energy for the delivery ;)

  2. I don’t always click through to my commentors blogs. I should but don’t always have time. I really want to. I am glad I made time to click through to yours. What a lovely website you and your husband have. And how exciting that your baby will be here any day. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

    The rollercoaster ride starts now… hold on!

    Take care and happy birthing.

  3. I feel like I’m a bit blog star struck with comments from Tracey and Aimee in the same post. Thank you, guys! I’ve had such a great time following along with both of your baby adventures!

    Tyler, too bad, man! Now I am starting to think this may be a February baby. Quite a shock after thinking it was going to be a late December or early January baby for weeks.

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