Latest beverage addiction

I recently discovered IZZE sparkling juices created right here in Boulder, Colorado.

I had my first IZZE experience several weeks ago while we were at a restaurant celebrating happy hour with friends. The grapefruit IZZE and vodka $3.50 beverage special caught my eye on the menu. As a hard-core grapefruit lover, I couldn’t resist trying it out. Yet another drink later, I was thoroughly obsessed.

Know that I usually drink just tea and water, with a glass of smart water here and there. Things have changed.

We now have different flavors of IZZE on hand at all times at home. We’ve discovered that I am in fact allergic to the pomegranate one (not a complete surprise as I’ve reacted sporadically in the past to pomegranates). I prefer the grapefruit variety to the other flavors that I’ve tried. We’ve also developed a soft spot for IZZE spiked with rum (like the vodka version, it’s delicious!). IZZE has become my special treat at the end of the day. I am so addicted. Go try it!

4 thoughts on “Latest beverage addiction”

  1. I always see these at the store when we’re picking up groceries, but I’ve never had the nerve to try them. You’ve spurred me on! :)

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