Yoga days

Tuesday and Thursday are our yoga days. I go to my prenatal class in the morning, David goes to his advanced ashtanga class in the evenings. Someday we’ll be able to go together again, but that is many months off at this point.

I love and look forward to my prenatal yoga class. It’s so fun being surrounded by lots of other pregnant people. A whole room of women who smile for no reason, can’t seem to stay cool, tire easily, hold their bellies when the little one kicks, and can’t fit into their rings anymore. Recently there have been more people at class than usual and I loved the energy.

On Thursday the class includes mamas and babies. It has a totally different feeling than my prenatal class. Instead of a quiet and serene space, this class is full of baby chaos and I LOVE IT. Smiling, cooing, crying, laughing babies. Every class gets me so excited that I am going to be a mother soon. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.

Month Six Poll

Before we hit month seven of the pregnancy, I thought it would be fun to post monthly polls about the baby. Take your best guess!

Opinion Polls & Market Research

Updated: the biggest problem with this poll thing is that we don’t know who’s voting! So, please leave us a quick comment if you do vote. And NEXT TIME we are totally going to do this poll in the comments section and skip this whole fancy voting application thing! No more of this voting anonymity crap. Consider yourself warned.