Birthday Party Letter Art Banner

Our blog countdown to the three-year old’s birthday party continues!

Yesterday we talked about our photo banner:

Today I want to share with you our Happy Birthday letter art banner that we’ve hung on the opposite wall of our living room:

I typed “Happy Birthday” using different fonts for each letter on our computer and set up the letters to be outline only. After printing the series out, we then decorated the letters with stickers, twistables crayons and colored pencils.

The project took us several days to complete and we talked about the different letters and colors as we filled in the outlines. For some of the letters, my daughter focused on coloring each outline one (or two) colors and matching stickers of the same color to each letter.

A fun preschool project that’s simple, yet open to endless creative possibilities.

Now, a freebie for you:

Download a PDF of our Happy Birthday letter art banner to print and color in for yourselves!

Birthday Party Photo Banner

Our blog countdown to the three-year old’s birthday party continues!

First we gathered photos of the birthday girl taken over the past three years, then we glued our favorites on colored construction paper and decorated the frames using glitter paint pens, gel markers, and stickers:

Then we hung a purple ribbon on the wall (using push pins) and clipped the photos to the ribbon with clothespins:

A simple, sentimental, and colorful birthday party decoration that we will definitely be recreating each year. Such a hit!

(Thank you to my friends Alissa and Dorothee for inspiring me with their own ribbon/wire art walls.)

By the Guest of Honor

We flew to the east coast earlier this month (four days later than planned thanks to that big blizzard, but that’s another story) to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday.

At the birthday dinner party, Miss Leyba sat herself right next to the guest of honor. Never-mind that was supposed to be my seat. The toddler insisted she sit between Great-Grandma and cousin Julia. As the tears welled up in her eyes, I realized this was important to her, and quickly acquiesced. I instead sat several seats over where I watched my loves interact and greatly enjoy each other’s company. (It also gave me the perfect seat for capturing these priceless pictures, so in retrospect it worked out great.)

I do believe my grandma was thrilled.

Look at what fun they had together.

We all so enjoyed ourselves. A lovely, incredibly memorable evening and so worth the trip!

Happy Birthday, Grandma! We love you.