How I Inadvertently Started Eating the Paleo Diet and Began to Feel Better

Here we are, trying to lose weight and attempting another fad diet… Wait, that’s not what’s really going on! Let me back up and tell you about my food sensitivities and how we stumbled on to this one. I’m gluten intolerant, so I can’t eat your typical breads, pastas, and cereals. I’m also sensitive to … Continue reading How I Inadvertently Started Eating the Paleo Diet and Began to Feel Better

Garden Failures and the Potential For Yet Another

Not everything has been peachy-keen in our garden this year. There was the Alium Disaster. Remember last fall (above) when we planted dozens of alium and tulip bulbs? Yeah, well none of them sprouted. (Thank you to our neighborhood gophers who I assume are responsible.) Then we planted hundreds of poppy seeds days before I … Continue reading Garden Failures and the Potential For Yet Another

Fall Garden and Animal Visitors

We’re had all sorts of animals pop up in our garden over the past three years: turkeys, gophers, frogs, snakes — evidently gopher and garter snakes love our garage, lucky us, and now this snail that we caught helping itself to a drink of water from our hose: The worst part of what I affectionately … Continue reading Fall Garden and Animal Visitors