DIY Plant Marker Tutorial Round-Up

Even though I know the names of most (okay, many!) of the plants in our garden, I try to label all of our plants and vegetables. I find plant labels are important in refreshing my memory each season, as well as being an invaluable learning tool for our daughter as she grows and learns the plant names herself.

Newly planted Yarrow

I tend to reusue the labels from our local garden center, strictly out of laziness and economy. I love the idea of making more durable and attractive plant markers that we can reuse year after year.

Here are some inspired handmade plant marker tutorials that I’m eager to try:

Featured above:
1. Antique Spoon Plant Marker Tutorial (pin/source)
2. Wine Cork Herb Labels (pin/source)
3. DIY Stamped Plant Marker (pin/source)
4. Make your own garden markers with jar lids and dowels (pin/source)
5. DIY Twig Plant Markers (pin/source)
6. Simple herb marker — permanent pen on pots! (pin/source)

(In writing this post, I noticed a multitude of chalkboard garden marker tutorials out there. Who wants a label that washes off when you water the garden?! Talk about impractical. I just don’t get it.)

Which plant marker is your favorite?

View these and many garden related projects, including several other garden marker tutorials, on my Garden Inspiration Pinterest board.

(images obtained via Pinterest)

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