A Different Kind of Picky

Our daughter may not like eating dark leafy greens or when different foods touch,

Our daughter eating raw oysters with her dad and grandpa

but she eats (loves!) Brie, raw oysters, blue cheese, grapefruit, and smoked salmon. Plus, she puts freshly ground black pepper on everything.

Our daughter eating raw oysters with her dad and grandpa

Clearly she has inherited her daddy’s advanced palate — he ate all that and more as a child. I didn’t discover many of those foods until I was a grownup and met him. Leyba’s are good to have around.

(Above, she’s drinking raw oyster juice with David’s father who’s visiting from New Mexico!)

Our daughter eating raw oysters with her dad and grandpa

Sometimes I complain that our daughter is a picky eater (cause she won’t try this or that), but really she’s particular and there’s nothing wrong with that. May we all develop such a discerning (advanced!) palate.

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