Berry Sauce

We’ve been waiting for this moment all summer: our blackberry bushes hang heavy with fruit!

Blackberry Sauce

We picked some blackberries and strawberries from our garden to make a simple, tasty berry sauce — a fruit puree, really — from Mollie Katzen’s Moosewood Cookbookicon.

Blackberry Sauce

We pureed the fruit along with several tablespoons of sugar (to taste) and a small squeeze of lemon juice.

Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

After several pulses, we scrapped down the sides of the bowl, adjusted the sugar and pureed the sauce some more.

Blackberry Sauce

Then we passed the sauce through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and placed it in a clean mason jar.

Blackberry Sauce

The blackberry sauce keeps for a week in the fridge and tastes mighty good on cottage cheese apple pancakes or simply spread on a piece of toast.

Blackberry Sauce

I love this delicious sauce straight from our garden!

One thought on “Berry Sauce”

  1. Your little munchkin is looking as cute as could be! The blackberries look wonderful too – nothing like them fresh from the briar patch! Yum.

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