Feeling Grateful

I feel grateful for so much this Thanksgiving day.

Grateful for my best friend who I met eight years ago today (yep, at a Thanksgiving dinner!)!

For my happy, brilliant, independent daughter who brings such joy to our lives!

For our dear friends and their wonderful children (too many to show photos of them all here!)!

For our supportive and loving families!

For our health!

For so very much. (I feel humbled and moved by how lucky we are!)

These days I’m also really appreciating the everyday things:

The plentiful array of local organic food available here in Northern California.

My daily cup (or three!) of decaf English Breakfast tea.

Great thrift stores that benefit a worthy cause and allow us to budget and be more environmentally friendly.

A cozy warm bed that fits us all, even when our daughter decides to sleep horizontally between us!

A fantastic library system that provides us with books, music and movies.

A plentiful garden in which we’ve toiled, learned and shared together what it means to grow our own food.

This blog that has been a tremendous joy in my life, through which we’ve documented our daughter growing up!

You, dear readers, for following along with us and adding your voice in the comments! We feel truly grateful to share our lives with you.

Hope you have a meaningful, tasty Thanksgiving day.

Now please excuse me as I’ve got some cooking to do!