Thrift Store Score

I’m amazed to find that the last thrift store score post was back in April! We’ve found lots of awesome stuff since then, which I’ve neglected to write about. Whoops!

Here’s my latest Thrift Store Score fulled obsession:

Pyrex dishes in the same pattern as the ones my grandmother gave me.

My grandmother gifted me many of her pyrex and corningware dishes when I graduated from college and headed off to graduate school in Arizona and my first apartment back in 2002. I’ve used these dishes almost daily over the last eight years and love them.

Despite being white, I find them incredibly easy to clean. I can take them straight from the freezer and pop them in the oven. Should I (or Miss Leyba) drop them on the floor by accident, they don’t break. Even the glass lids don’t break. I find them indispensable in the kitchen.

So when I noticed they were popping up at the thrift store (that benefits our local hospice!), I started buying them. A larger size. An extra lid. Some more of those fabulous circular ones. A more shallow pan.

My, how the collection has grown.

I love them!

8 thoughts on “Thrift Store Score”

  1. pyrex is awesome! and borosilicate glass in general :) made right here in western/central/southern tier new york!

  2. we have SO SO MANY thrift stores around here, but most of them are fairly crummy. i need to make an effort to find a few good ones, because i’m always so impressed with what one can find there!

  3. We had those growing up (and still have them because my mother is a saver)! We now have two sets as my grandfather had them, too. Just that little pattern reminds me of being a kid. What great finds!

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